The following is a continuation of last week's article and comes from a presentation by Mike O’Kelley, Executive Director of the Methodist Foundation.
Commandment 6: Thou shalt have a plan for raising funds to meet the budget
Annual Campaigns or Stewardship programs
Capital Campaigns
Endowment Accounts
Bequests and Planned gifts
Commandment 7: Thou shall not frivolously create designated funds
All designated gifts should provide for unexpected changes in the church
What happens if the church closes?
Fewer designated funds the better: donors should be able to trust the church will utilize all gifts in the best way possible.
Commandment 8: Thou shalt know thy designated funds and use them correctly
Oftentimes designated funds are created for a specific purpose but may not provide for what should be done with excess funds or what happens if not enough funds are raised to accomplish the original purpose of the account.
Without clarifying language, designated accounts may only be used for the original purpose and not for the church’s most pressing need.
Commandment 9: Thou shalt cultivate a culture of generosity to support the financial needs of the Church and more importantly, encourage the discipleship growth of its congregation.
Stewardship emphasis
Year round stewardship
Offering moments
Relate financial needs to ministry activation
Commandment 10: Thou shalt know thy resources!
Local Church Leader Training (for Finance Committees, S/PPRCs, and Trustees):
NAC Local Church Financial Handbook:
GCFA Local Church Audit Guide:
GCFA Tax Packet:
Photo by Adrian Curiel on Unsplash